Ball Games Quiz

Now we have a short quiz to test ball game vocabulary. Click on the quiz to start and in each question, match the definition to the example sentence which best matches it. There is an example below. 

0. To call for a break or rest.

A. I really need a time out from work; with all the recent changes, I'm feeling tired. 

B. I need to catch up on my work as I haven't been able to understand all of the recent changes fully so I've been working more slowly. 

C. I've been lagging behind in my work as I haven't been able to understand all of the recent changes fully so I've been working more slowly. 

D. I've managed to get ahead in my work; there have been recent changes but I understand them quite well so I'm OK with everything.

Answer: A (a time out).  

 Now, click on the quiz and try for yourself:

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