Use of English Part 2-Open Cloze

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)

We assume that if you are trying the Proficiency exam, you will probably have already done either the FCE, the CAE or both. However, if you haven't done them and are entering the Cambridge game at the final, highest level, you might like to read the FCE version of this course here and the CAE version here. This also applies to anyone here who simply wants to improve or test their level of English by using Cambridge-style materials without doing an exam. 

Remember that at the CPE level, you are almost at the level of speaking of those whose first language is English, and your lexico-grammatical level and awareness is actually superior to many English speakers, given your intensive study of it.


CPE's Open Cloze exercise is highly challenging. Sentences are long, intricate, and may involve multiple clauses, requiring a deep understanding of grammar and syntax.

Lexico-grammatical Range: 

Expect to encounter a wide range of grammar elements, including advanced relative pronouns, complex modal verb usage, intricate conjunctions, and sophisticated prepositional phrases. Fixed phrases and idiomatic expressions are highly nuanced.

Sentence Structure: 

Sentences can be extremely complex, with elements like inversion, advanced reported speech, and subtle shifts in tone. Mastery of sentence structure is crucial.

Contextual Understanding:

The context may be abstract or multifaceted. You'll need to read carefully and consider the subtleties of meaning within the text.


Precision is non-negotiable at the CPE level. Choose words and forms with utmost accuracy to maintain the text's integrity and meaning.

Preparation Advice: 

For CPE, intensive grammar study is essential. You should practice with complex sentence structures, advanced modal verbs, and intricate prepositional phrases. Develop a deep understanding of reported speech and idiomatic expressions. Engage in extensive reading of complex texts to improve contextual comprehension. Take rigorous practice exams to hone your precision skills.

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