Aspects of professional vocabulary and the lexical method

Unlocking professional English writing by using a lexical approach

Let's think about the type of language you use in formal writing and how much you need to think about individual words. There is a way of learning and applying language known as the Lexical Approach, which is championed by a linguistic theorist called Michael Lewis. If you're striving to enhance your professional communication, this method is one way of applying larger chunks of language to your learning and improvement process and making the process faster.

What is the Lexical Approach?

In simple terms, the Lexical Approach emphasizes the importance of learning phrases and chunks of language rather than focusing solely on grammar rules or single words. Michael Lewis, a pioneer of this approach, believed that understanding and using these chunks can significantly improve your fluency and comprehension. Instead of constructing sentences word by word, you start thinking in ready-made phrases, much like native speakers do.

These 'chunks' of language are sometimes known as 'sentence stems' whenever they come at the beginning of a sentence. 

Why is it Effective for Professional Writing?

Professional communication, such as emails, reports, and proposals, often relies on specific language patterns. By learning these patterns, you can express your ideas more clearly and professionally. Here are some benefits of the Lexical Approach in business contexts:

1. Enhanced Fluency and Confidence

When you have a repertoire of ready-to-use phrases, you can write faster and with more confidence. For instance, in emails, common phrases like "I hope this email finds you well" or "Please find attached" save you from the hassle of crafting sentences from scratch. This fluency is crucial in a professional setting where time and clarity are paramount.

2. Improved Accuracy and Appropriateness

Using the correct phrases ensures that your language is appropriate for the context. For example, phrases like "With reference to our previous conversation" or "I look forward to your response" are standard in business communication. Knowing these chunks helps you maintain a formal tone and avoid awkward or incorrect expressions.

3. Better Understanding of Context and Collocation

The Lexical Approach teaches you not just words but how they combine in natural contexts. For instance, in a proposal, it's more effective to say "We propose a strategic partnership" rather than "We suggest a partnership." Learning these collocations (words that commonly go together) enhances your writing's naturalness and professionalism.

How to Implement the Lexical Approach in Your Learning

Now that you understand the benefits, let's look at some practical steps to incorporate the Lexical Approach into your learning routine:

1. Focus on Phrases, Not Just Words

When you come across new vocabulary, pay attention to the whole phrase. For example, instead of just learning the word "report," note how it's used in context: "annual report," "submit a report," or "report findings."

2. Use Authentic Materials

Read business emails, reports, and proposals from reliable sources. Pay attention to recurring phrases and chunks. Highlight these and try to use them in your own writing.

3. Practice Regularly

Incorporate these phrases into your daily practice. Write mock emails, draft reports, or prepare proposals using the chunks you've learned. The more you use them, the more natural they will become.

4. Utilize Technology

There are numerous online resources and tools to help you practice the Lexical Approach. They offer exercises and flashcards focused on phrases and collocations, making your practice more effective.

In this course

This is a practical and effective way to enhance your professional English writing more quickly. By focusing on phrases, sentence stems and chunks of language, you can improve your fluency, accuracy, and confidence more quickly in business communication. 

You will find these sentence stems in our course modules.