Model Email:

Request for Information on a Financial Report

Let's look at a model answer. Read the following model e-mail and do the accompanying activity below. You can download the activity a a PDF at the bottom of the page and do it there. You will also find the answers on the PDF. 

Request for Detailed Q1 Financial Report

Dear Ms. Taylor,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to request a detailed copy of the Q1 financial report for our upcoming board meeting. We need comprehensive data on the revenue, expenses, and net profit for the first quarter, along with an analysis of the variances compared to our budget projections. Additionally, please include a breakdown of the performance of each department and any significant financial events that impacted our results.

This information is crucial for our strategic planning and decision-making process. Could you kindly provide the report by this Friday, June 9th, to allow us ample time for review?

If there are any preliminary figures or highlights you can share in advance, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation and timely assistance.

Best regards,

John Anderson  

Financial Analyst  

Bright Future Investments  

(123) 456-7890

Vocabulary and Language

Upcoming-coming soon

Breakdown-a breakdown of something is a detailed description, broken into smaller parts


on time

Comprehensive-very detailed

Crucial-very important


Revenue-the amount of money generated by a company before subtracting its expenses

Kindly-an adverb for adding politeness and respect whenever asking for something


Net profit-after subtracting expenses, especially taxes, this is the money the organisation is left with



Matching Activity: Breakdown of Email Components

Instructions: Match each component of the email (1-6) with its correct description (A-F).

  1. Subject Line
  2. Salutation
  3. Introduction
  4. Body
  5. Closing
  6. Signature

A. Professional sign-off: A polite closing phrase to end the email.

  • Example: "Best regards,"

B. Brief, polite opening: Sets a positive tone and leads into the main message.

  • Example: "I hope this message finds you well."

C. Full name and title, company name, and contact information: Provides your identity and how to reach you.

  • Example: "John Anderson, Financial Analyst, Bright Future Investments,, (123) 456-7890"

D. Clear and specific: Summarises the email's purpose.

  • Example: "Request for Detailed Q1 Financial Report"

E. Professional greeting: Formally addresses the recipient.

  • Example: "Dear Ms. Taylor,"

F. Clear request with specifics: Contains the main message and necessary details.

  • Example: "I am writing to request a detailed copy of the Q1 financial report for our upcoming board meeting. We need comprehensive data on the revenue, expenses, and net profit for the first quarter, along with an analysis of the variances compared to our budget projections."

Check your answers by downloading this activity in the Resource Section below. The answers are included:


Resource 1

Effective e-mail writing for professionals

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