Navigating the materials. 

The course is structured in a logical order, though we have put reports before proposals. It is explained later that reports often come after, as a consequence of proposals that have been accepted. We have put the reports first so that learners can consider the distinctions retrospectively.

You can follow the course in the order that we have created it by using the 'Next Lesson' button at the bottom of each lesson. You can also use the various buttons on lesson pages, and menus on the Module pages to jump to the section or lesson you need (there are 4 Module pages, one previous to this to present these orientation lessons, and one each to present the lessons for e-mails, reports and proposals).

The full menu is on the course introduction page, which you can refer to here.  

Understanding the checklists. 

The downloadable checklists for coherence are slightly different for e-mails, reports and proposals as the sentence stems which we use in different professional and formal genres might be a little different. Coherence is very connected to the grammar and vocabulary aspects of written language, and these are a little different in each genre. 

The checklists for cohesion are the same in each genre as cohesion is generally something shared across any genre. As cohesion is about putting items of information in order, and linking words or expressions are important for this, it is much the same for all genres with a formal tone. The main difference would be which linking words or phrases are being used in different genres and for what purposes, but the principles of linker use are much the same, and that is to present a logical order of ideas.

Use the buttons to jump to the section you need, or go through the entire course chronologically, by starting with the general grammar and vocabulary module by clicking 'Next Lesson' below: 

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