Useful Language for Proposals

Writing Proposals

Here is a list of sentence stems that would be useful for writing proposals, focusing on their persuasive nature and role in outlining plans before acceptance:

Introduction of the Problem/Opportunity:

  • "In light of recent developments, it has become clear that..."
  • "There is a significant opportunity to..."
  • "The current situation presents a challenge, but also an opportunity to..."
  • We are pleased to present our proposal for...
  • Thank you for considering our proposal for...
  • The purpose of this proposal is to...
  • This proposal outlines our approach to...
  • In response to your request for proposal (RFP) for...


  • Our company has a proven track record in...
  • With many years of experience in...
  • We have successfully completed projects similar to...
  • Our expertise in this field/industry includes...
  • We understand the challenges associated with...

Proposing a Solution:

  • "To address this issue, I/we propose..."
  • "The proposed solution involves/includes..."
  • "Our approach will focus on..."
  • Our solution involves...
  • To address your needs, we will...
  • Our strategy is to...

Justifying the Proposal:

  • "This proposal is justified by..."
  • "Research has shown that..."
  • "The benefits of this proposal include..."
  • "Given the current circumstances, this approach is the most effective because..."

Outlining Objectives:

  • "The primary objectives of this proposal are..."
  • The primary objective of this proposal is to...
  • "This proposal aims to achieve..."
  • "We have set the following goals to ensure success..."
  • Our goal is to...
  • The objectives of this project include...
  • This project will focus on...
  • We aim to achieve...

Detailing the Methodology/Plan:

  • "Our plan involves several key steps, including..."
  • "The proposed methodology will include..."
  • "To ensure effective implementation, we will..."
  • Our methodology consists of...
  • We will employ the following techniques...
  • The project will be executed in [number] phases, including...
  • We will use [specific tools/technologies] to...
  • Our process will involve...

Highlighting Benefits:

  • "The anticipated benefits of this proposal are..."
  • "By implementing this plan, we expect to..."
  • "This proposal will positively impact the organization by..."
  • The benefits of this project include...
  • This solution will result in...
  • The expected outcomes are...
  • We anticipate the following impacts, which are...
  • The advantages of our approach are...

Addressing Potential Challenges:

  • "Potential challenges include..., however, these can be mitigated by..."
  • "To address any potential risks, we will..."
  • "Although there may be some obstacles, the following strategies will ensure..."

Presenting the Timeline:

  • "The proposed timeline for implementation is as follows..."
  • "Key milestones will include..."
  • "We expect to achieve the following within the first [timeframe]..."
  • The project timeline is as follows...
  • We anticipate completing the project by...
  • The estimated timeline for each phase is...
  • Key milestones include...
  • The project schedule includes...

Discussing the Budget:

  • "The estimated budget for this proposal is..."
  • "This budget accounts for..."
  • "To ensure cost-effectiveness, we will..."
  • The estimated cost for this project is...
  • Our pricing structure is based on...
  • The budget breakdown includes...
  • The total cost covers...
  • This proposal includes all expenses related to...

Conclusion/Call to Action:

  • "In conclusion, I/we strongly recommend moving forward with this proposal..."
  • "By approving this proposal, we can ensure..."
  • "I/we urge you to consider this proposal for the following reasons..."
  • "Taking action on this proposal will lead to..."
  • In conclusion, we are confident that...
  • We look forward to the opportunity to...
  • Thank you for considering our proposal.
  • We are committed to...
  • We hope to collaborate with you on...

Linking to Future Reports:

  • "Upon approval, a detailed report will be provided to track progress..."
  • "Following the implementation, a comprehensive report will outline the outcomes of..."
  • "This proposal, if accepted, will pave the way for future reporting on..."

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