Fun facts about space

A vocabulary quiz

How much do you know about space? Have you been studying space at school this year? Have you learned what the difference between an asteroid and a comet is? Which of these has a tail whenever you see it racing across the sky? Or do you know who or what Orion is? Orion has a belt and even a sword, so what connection does he have to the earth and the night sky? 


A comet racing across the night sky

Space is a VERY big place and it is also an interesting subject. The night sky is full of wonderful sights, so if you like stargazing (looking at the night sky and studying it), we have the perfect resource to teach you about celestial objects.

More fun facts about space

The constellation Orion

Try our vocabulary quiz 

If you have read our articles on fun facts about space, you might like to try our vocabulary quiz here. At the bottom of the page, you can do our Sporcle quiz, or or play the quiz as a Kahoot! at this link.

In any case, read the two articles and try our quiz. It's out of this world! 

If you need to revise your space vocabulary, click the buttons here and look again at out fun facts about space articles. Then do the quiz here and see how you go! 

Fun facts about space-vocabulary quiz

More fun facts about space

Travel in comfort in space with the Star Wars gang!


Learner Quizzes, Primary Linguistic Level

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