Keeping your New Year Resolutions

A new year resolutions quiz below

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New Year Phrasal Verbs

We are well into the year 2024, but are you keeping the resolutions you made for the new year? Or do you follow the Chinese calendar, as we head into the Year of the Dragon? If you do, you still have time to think of ideas to change and improve your life!

In English, we have various phrasal verbs to talk about such promises, and you can test them right here with our new year resolutions quiz, powered by Sporcle. 

Test your knowledge with our examples and match the correct definition with each of the phrasal verbs. And if you find it useful, please share this page and quiz with your friends. 

A new year resolutions quiz:

And if you liked the quiz, share it with your friends on social media!

new year resolutions quiz

New year's resolutions; Gregorian or Chinese new year though?

As well as our new year resolutions quiz here, we will bring you a weekly quiz on various items of English grammar and vocabulary. If you have any suggestions for something you want to learn, please contact us through the messengers on

And keep using our free learning resources page at We will be constantly adding to our materials on this page, so keep an eye on it and keep on learning! 


B1 Intermediate to B2 Upper-Intermediate, B2 Upper-Intermediate to C1 Advanced, C1 Advanced to C2 Proficiency, Learner Quizzes

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