What did you do on the summer holidays?

Where did you go and what did you do over the summer holidays? Did you go kite surfing, like some adventurous types like to do at the beach? Maybe you relaxed and ate some candy floss, which Americans call cotton candy, and lay on the beach sunbathing. 

Maybe you went trekking in the mountains? In any case, we'll talk more in this article about the summer holidays, then you can test yourself in a quiz at the bottom! 

Kite surfing at the beach

What do you normally do on the summer holidays? 

Going to the beach for the summer holidays is typical and eating cold treats like ice cream is something we normally like to do. Adults like to have barbeques, which we call BBQs in short, and maybe kids like these too. The food is hot but tasty, and it's always a good event for people to get together with their families and friends. 

What do you NOT do on the summer holidays? 

Do you think you should be doing homework on the summer holidays? That's a big NO from school kids! However, it might help you for the next school year if you make a little effort and study a few pages a day. 

What about holidays in ski resorts over the summer? Do ski resorts exist in summer? Well, if you go to the southern hemisphere, the south of the planet, you will find that it is winter in many places like Australia or New Zealand. New Zealand has very high mountains, so there is snow for most of the year. If you like adventure or you are a fan of extreme sports, you might go snowboarding or skiing in a place like New Zealand! 

Eating candy floss. Americans call it cotton candy.

Back to school and planning your next holiday! 

Do you like getting back to school? Well, your school friends are there and maybe they missed you, so you can catch up with all their news. School work can be difficult, so why don't you keep an eye here at our page Primary Learner Quizzes - Learning English with Tailtiu Languages. Our quizzes are here to help you with your school work and make it more fun!

Now try our quiz here on the summer holidays...have fun! 


Primary Linguistic Level

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